U100 Samplers

“The quality class of sample needed to conform to the client’s testing requirements should dictate the category of sample used” (BS5930:2015 Ch20.1). The length to diameter ratio needs to be less than 1:20 to conform.

The U100 Series comprises several components which depending on their selection provides class 1, 2 & 3 samples in accordance with BS EN ISO 22475-1 and Eurocode 7.

In fine soils undisturbed sampling is often practicable using the following tooling to allow samples to be taken for testing strength and stiffness. The three types of sampling systems are as follows:

  • U100 Standard system (OS-TK/W)
  • U100 Plastic liner system (OS-TK/W)
  • U100T System (OS-T/W)


  • Geotechnical investigation
  • Environmental investigation


  • Air valve to retain sample
  • Reduces sample disturbance
  • Threaded body for easy removal
  • Thin wall increases sample quality to Class 1
  • Use of cutting shoe reduces damage on sample